26 January 2012

For the birds

I've got birds on the brain. I'm preparing to book our poultry flocks for the spring.  This year we'd like to keep some laying hens and a rooster over the winter so we can have a steady supply of eggs and chicks. I'm very interested in the dual purpose breeds.  They tend to be heavier so they'll stand the winter better and a few of the breeds lay exceptionally well in winter.  I like the idea that we can keep some for eggs and the rest will still be fine fryers or roasters.  I'm interested in Buff Orpingtons and Brahmas mostly.  Dorkings sound nice too but they're harder to come by.
I'm really chomping at the bit to get some ducklings booked.  We've decided we would like to raise a rare breed this year.  Silver Appleyards.  They sound simply perfect.  They are a heavy breed yet they are very good layers.  They're good at foraging and they're supposed to be calm.  I'd like to over winter 2 hens and a drake.  That should give us a few eggs for eating and a few eggs for setting so we can propagate the breed.

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