Little House on the Prairie
I grew up in the suburbs. We were far enough out that other towns thought we were country but we weren't really. In 2006 I moved north to a much smaller town (about 8,000). I lived in town for 4 years I enjoyed being able to walk to the bar and taking my Min Pin Jade on walks around town. I hate the traffic, and the neighbors so close by constantly mowing their lawns or playing their radio too loudly or grilling delicious smelling food and not inviting me over. In 2010 I moved to a town so small it didn't even have a population on the sign. It didn't even have its own zip code. I lived in a house with a big yard and I bought 3 ducks and the landlord who lived on the same piece of land had chickens and planted me a big beautiful vegetable garden. That summer I learned how to pickle and butcher ducks. IN 2011 just moved to a slightly larger town with about 400 people, a bar, a gas station, post office, bank, and a school. We live about 3 miles out of town. With the exception of a few years in high school this is what I've always wanted. We don't have the big farm with rolling hills and a huge pasture that I've dreamed of since I was a little girl but it's close. We've got about 4 acres and about half of it is trees. There is probably enough space to keep 1-2 horses but for now we're starting small. There are some young raspberry bushes and sapling fruit trees already on the property. We decided to add a blueberry bush and a cherry bush as well as a few perennial flowers this past spring. We made a barrel garden and bought some ducks and some chickens which we butchered in the fall. Permanent animal residents include 5 cats; Merlin, Cougar, Sabbath, Pickle, and Oliver; and 2 dogs; Jade the Min Pin and Pepper the Boxer. It's simply wonderful. I'm finally truly happy with my life and I'm looking forward to what the future holds... it looks promising. |